Lancaster University event to focus on The Industrial Strategy Fund

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The exclusive event, to be held between 9am and 1.30pm on Friday, April 5, within the University’s Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts at its Bailrigg Campus, will provide tangible examples of how Lancaster University can help the growth and development of organisations by supporting access to the fund.

There will be a chance to meet with specialist staff who will explain how the University can support the development of new products and services, collaborate on research and consultancy, provide access to student talent, help increase competitiveness and productivity through professional development, provide access to office space, labs, hot-desks, and more than £45 million of cutting-edge facilities.

The event includes talks from Lancaster academics, business directors, as well as senior representatives from the Lancashire Economic Partnership, Innovate UK, and the Northern Health Science Alliance.

A key note speech will be delivered by Professor Dame Sue Black, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Engagement at Lancaster University. She will outline her vision to develop the University’s culture of engagement, working at local, regional, national and international levels.

Lancaster University has a strong track-record of more than 11,000 successful partnerships with businesses and organisations that have benefitted from a wide range of funding streams.Microscope stock photo courtesy of Lancaster University _61954

Their projects include working with the Bank of England to analyse cyber risk, working with farmers to future-proof crops, and working with medics to use drones to target malaria.

Dr Steve Fish, Director of Partnerships and Business Engagement at Lancaster University’s Faculty of Science and Technology, said: “The Industrial Strategy Fund has been created by Government to invest in world-leading research and highly innovative businesses in areas of key importance to the UK.

“It provides a massive opportunity for dynamic and forward-thinking businesses and organisations to work in partnership with the leading research talent on bespoke projects, and access specialist facilities, here at Lancaster University.

“We are looking forward to inviting companies and organisations to our special event and to highlight the multitude of ways that we can work together to achieve growth and help the Government meet the UK’s strategic goals.”

Attendees at the event will also have a chance to tour facilities at the University, including co-location and laboratory space within cTAP, InfoLab21, Lancaster Environment Centre, the Faculty of Health and Medicine. There will also be a chance to hear more about the University’s forthcoming Health Innovation Campus.

The Government’s Industrial Strategy sets out grand challenges to put the UK at the forefront of the industries of the future. The first four grand challenges are focussed on the global trends: artificial intelligence and data; ageing society; clean growth and the future of mobility.

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