NFU delivers final leadership academy workshop

Myerscough College young farming leaders academy_58397

NFU North West’s Communications Adviser Carl Hudspith led the session with a two hour masterclass on how to protect and enhance your digital reputation.

He was joined by NFU Lancashire County Chairman Olly Harrison who gave real examples of how he, as a young working farmer, has harnessed the power of social media to help his Glyphosate is Vital campaign and achieve lobbying wins on behalf of the NFU.

At the end of the first day session, the young aspiring farming leaders were given the opportunity to shoot and edit their own mobile videos using IPads – and they didn’t disappoint with Mr Hudspith telling the North West based students that they can definitely expect a call when the media next come asking for younger voices.

On the second day, the Young Farmers Leadership Academy was lucky enough to have a media training taster session with NFU Media Manager Mike Thomas. Mike is an integral part of the NFU Communications Team which covers press, campaigns, video and social media.

The Young Farmers Leadership Academy (YFLA) consists of six, two day modules of ten hours each (total 60 hours). Each module commences at 1pm on the first day and finishes at 3pm on day two. The course is non-accredited but a certificate of attendance is awarded on completion of all six workshops. This is recognised by the industry as evidence of continuous professional development in leadership and management skills.

The Young Farmers Leadership Academy students who successfully completed the program this year were:

Harry Huddart

24 years old

Assistant Farm Manager at Beeswax Dyson Farming in Lincolnshire

Ruari Martin

25 years old

Livestock Manager at the Thoresby Estate in Nottinghamshire

Patrick Morris-Eyton

25 years old

Partner at the family’s Beckside Farm in South West Cumbria

Michael Rhodes

29 years old

Working on the family farm at Abbeystead near Lancaster

James Ormerod

30 years old

A partner in the family’s Skipton based goat farm alongside his mum, dad and twin brother

Joe Ormerod

30 years old

A partner in the family’s Skipton based goat farm alongside his mum, dad and twin brother

Tom Walbank

30 years old

Is part of the family business Keighley Tree Services in Yorkshire

Rob Cowgill

30 years old

Working for his parents at Horse Hey dairy farm in Bashall Eaves near Clitheroe

Beverley Fort

34 years old

Partner in the family’s Brighton House Farm sheep breeding business in Steeton in West Yorkshire