Planning for the right homes in the right places: will this include on farm?

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As part of  the ‘Planning for the right homes in the right places’ consultation the Government is looking to change the way local housing need is calculated and how housing can be delivered, with the aim of:

  • Making the local plan process work better, reducing the number of planning appeals for housing development and ensuring local infrastructure is delivered.
  • Making different local governments work together, including the new devolved authorities and city mayors, so they can plan for their housing needs.
  • Looking to how neighbourhood planning could also have more say in meeting local housing needs too.
  • Planning for other types of housing, including for older people, self-build and affordable housing, but also how identifying the housing needs of particular groups.

The NFU is asking the Government to ensure their proposals will provide housing that will support farmers and growers businesses and allow farming families to plan for  their  future.

Please read more information here about the consultation or please feedback your views. The consultation ends on 9 November.