NFU reaction to the Government’s response to the Fursdon Review

10 April 2024


The NFU has today welcomed the Government's response to the independent review of Dartmoor, saying that it has carefully considered the recommendations of Mr. Fursdon and offered workable solutions for everyone.

A key recommendation from the response, the creation of the Land Use Management Group (LUMG), will encourage positive working relationships and help farmers deliver for food production, the environment and wider public goods. It is vital that the NFU is included in the development of the LUMG to ensure actions are successfully impacted on the ground.

NFU South uplands chair, Mat Cole said: “As someone who farms on Dartmoor every day, I am pleased with the well thought out recommendations from Defra for the future of protected sites. It is evident that food production, alongside environmental delivery and the range of public goods farmers provide across Dartmoor, has been considered.

“The success of the LUMG depends on farmers voices continuing to be heard, particularly as we transition to new environmental support schemes. It is also critical that Defra has continued oversight of Natural England’s relationships with stakeholders to ensure a positive way of working.   

“We look forward to working with the Government further on the vision for Dartmoor. Farmers are part of the solution, and we can work together to produce food, boost biodiversity and look after the environment.”  

More information

  • The NFU is a representative of the Local Stakeholder Group involved in the review of Dartmoor management.
  • The NFU’s response to the Fursdon Review can be found here.