The Road to the EU Referendum


May 2015 
The Conservatives win a 12-seat parliamentary majority at the election. David Cameron pledges to hold a referendum before the end of 2017.

September 2015 
NFU writes and publishes report: ‘UK farming’s relationship with the EU’ and makes copies available to all members. 

October 2015 to June 2016 
NFU hosts scores of branch meetings, debates and events across England and Wales. 

January 2016
NFU commissions Wageningen University to analyse the potential impact on agriculture if the UK votes to leave the EU 16. 

February 2016
David Cameron strikes deal with EU leaders. He claims it will give the UK a “special status” but his opponents say the deal is “hollow” and only offers “very minor changes”. 

20 February 2016
David Cameron announces that 23 June is the date of the referendum. 

24 February 2016
NFU hosts an in/ out debate as part of its annual conference with more than 1,300 delegates 

April 2016 
NFU presents its Wageningen Report to thousands of NFU members at roadshows across England and Wales. Members quiz expert panel.

18 April 2016
NFU declares ‘in’ position on EU, but says it will not be campaigning or telling its members how to vote. 

23 June 2016
UK votes in EU Referendum. From 10pm the votes will be counted from 382 local centres around the UK and an overall result will be announced.

24 June 2016
A special edition of British Farmer & Grower magazine will be created and sent to the printers. Members should receive it within days of the referendum result.