Defra review of AHDB - NFU response

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Following the launch of Defra's consultation to seek views on the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), the NFU has held discussions with its members and boards to formulate a full response. The response takes the structure of looking at AHDB both as a whole and from an individual sector perspective.

You can read our response here - members only you must login to view.

In summary, the NFU wish to see the core functions of AHDB continue. However we believe that the time is right to move to an AHDB model that is less bureaucratic and more dynamic, responsive and determined to understand and work in partnership with its levy players so that they are prepared for a post-Brexit world.

The NFU wish to see a new approach from AHDB, where as an organisation they provides the catalyst for the industry, injecting vigour to producers position in the market, profitability and sustainability in levy payers businesses and that supports the distinctive identity and quality of UK food and agriculture for consumers at home and abroad.