FSP urges farmers to stay safe around livestock

South Devon Cattle Oxfordshire_54213

The farming industry will be joining the FSP on social media today to promote good practice when it comes to handling livestock, and share how they have made their workplace safer.

This spring, the FSP will be urging all farmers and farm workers to:

  • Select, use and maintain well-designed handling facilities. 
  • Be extremely cautious when entering a cattle enclosure and always have an escape route.
  • Remove aggressive animals from the herd.
  • Separate livestock from the public wherever possible.

NFU Vice President and FSP Chairman Stuart Roberts said: “The FSP is working towards a target of halving farm fatalities by the end of 2023, but to reach this target we need farmers on the ground to start taking action and making real changes.

“A lot of it is common sense which can be easily overlooked when you’re busy or tired; taking extra precautions when a cow is with a calf, maintaining handling facilities so they are fully fit for purpose, not simply selling on an aggressive animal to another farmer.

“If we can take a second to identify where the risks are, we can actually take those risks away.”

NFU livestock board chairman Richard Findlay said: “All livestock farmers must remember that cattle, no matter what type you have and how well you know them, can still be unpredictable.

“We must show ourselves the same duty of care that we show our animals, and ensure that we have the right facilities and processes in place to minimise any dangers when handling them. Be vigilant, be aware, and stay safe.”

To follow the discussion on social media, use the hashtag #FarmSafetyPartnership.