Lottie Nott

NFU assistant environment adviser

Charlotte is an assistant adviser in the NFU’s Environment team. She provides support and assistance to the team, and her responsibilities include a range of tasks around farmed environment communications.

Her work includes talking to members about the changes they have made to their farming practices that have improved environmental and business outcomes. These case studies help other NFU members on their journeys to create resilient businesses.

Charlotte keeps everyone updated with the team’s work by writing the Environment Matters newsletter (you can sign up to the newsletter in the My Profile area) and looking after the NFU Environment Twitter account.

Additionally, Charlotte covers work on environmental permitting in poultry.

Before joining the NFU, Charlotte was awarded an MSc in Agroecology from Harper Adams University and a BSc in Physical Geography from Aberystwyth University, both with a focus on soil ecology and ecosystems.

Outside of work, Charlotte enjoys road cycling and rock climbing.