Harriet Wilson

NFU Next Generation Forum co-optee

Harriet is responsible for Agriculture and Sustainable Sourcing at McDonald’s UK and Ireland and is based on her family’s beef & sheep farm in Staffordshire. Her career so far has involved roles with retailers ALDI and Co-op Food, and industry placements with Sainsbury’s and McDonald’s while at university.

She graduated from Harper Adams University in 2014 and during her studies was a columnist for Farmers Weekly and spent her placement year at McDonald’s - which inspired her to return to the business in her current role in 2020.

Harriet is a member of the NFU Next Generation Forum, Meat Business Women’s UK and Ireland committee and is an adviser to the Prince’s Countryside Fund Farming Group. She also sits on the Red Tractor Board for Beef and Lamb standards.

Previously an active Young Farmers’ member, Harriet was chairman of the NFYFC Agricultural and Rural Affairs Steering Group and continues to be a club leader for her local club Eccleshall YFC, where she enjoys coaching younger members in public speaking and stock judging, as well as organising various charity events.