Sheep industry conference takes a business approach to flock health

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The business impacts of flock health and welfare will be the emphasis at the Sheep Health and Welfare Group (SHAWG) biennial conference on Wednesday 16 November 2016.

Dr Liz Genever, Beef & Lamb senior scientist at AHDB said: “Every sheep producer needs to be considering the impact health and welfare factors have on their flock and, ultimately, their bottom line.

“This event is a great opportunity to receive an update on current work in this area and also to contribute to future activity which can benefit the whole industry”

SHAWG is an independent body and 19 organisational members of whom represent different aspects of the sheep industry in Great Britain. This conference will mark the end of Peter Baber’s tenure as Chairman and see Charles Sercombe become his successor.

SHAWG have produced its first Sheep Health and Welfare Report for Great Britain; which underpins many of the messages which will be discussed at the conference.

Peter Baber said: “We hope the data and associated information contained in the report will encourage collaboration within the sector and help the industry develop some common health and welfare goals”

For further information and to book a place at the conference click here

Conference tickets are £25 + VAT and it is held at Six Ways Stadium in Worcester.