Margin, not prices, the key for volatility conference

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Dairy UK and the Ulster Farmers’ Union have organised the Managing Dairy Volatility Conference (Lisburn, May 5) to look at three key areas:

  • To explore the role of government policy in helping dairy businesses to manage margins, by comparing policy approaches in EU and USA.
  • To gain insight into how dairy farming and dairy processing businesses are being managed in the current environment.
  • To look at some options that could assist dairy businesses manage margin.

The organisers say that market, currency and revenue volatility define the challenging context in which businesses in the dairy supply chain have to operate.

Those involved intuitively monitor prices, but, although important, these are only part of the issue. Ultimately, the business challenge is to manage margin, and this conference will tease out some of the issues around managing margin in the context of the uncertainty and risk of volatility.

The conference will be Chaired by Kevin Bellamy, who is Rabobank’s Global Dairy Strategist. Find out more and register here.