Defra consults on changes to plant health inspection fees

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Defra has opened a consultation on impending changes to fees for statutory plant health services provided by the Animal and Plant Health Agency in England and Wales until 31 October.

  • Inspection of imported plants and plant material and sampling and testing of potatoes imported from Egypt and the Lebanon;
  • Seed potato certification;
  • Plant passporting;
  • Export certification;
  • Plant health licensing and
  • Certification of fruit propagating material.

The proposals are about changing how it charges for these services. The scope and nature of these services is not changing.

The consultation also seeks information about the impact of the proposals on businesses, including small or micro-businesses.

The NFU is developing its response to the consultation and encourages members to do the same.

If you have any comments/concerns regarding the changes outlined in this consultation that you would like to feed into the NFU, please contact YW15LmdyYXlAbmZ1Lm9yZy51aw==.