Members and retailers back Love Lamb Week

From posting on social media to advertising in supermarkets, there has been huge support from members, retailers and the public.

With free-trade deals with Australia and New Zealand on the cards, it is an essential time to be promoting lamb and buying British.

How did members get involved?

Social media played a large part in allowing and encouraging members' involvement in the campaign. Members posted images out on their farms, as well as sharing their favourite lamb dishes and recipes, made with their very own home-produced lamb.

This has been a great way for the public to get more of an insight into where their high-welfare and sustainable lamb comes from before it ends up on their plates.

How did retailers get involved?

The NFU was delighted to see the UK’s top retailers doing their bit to support Love Lamb Week and promote British lamb. Co-op, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury's, Aldi, Asda and Lidl all got involved and helped increase consumer awareness throughout the week. They did this through on-pack stickering, magazine advertising, shelf signage, social media posts and website banners.

Here are a few examples of how retailers showed their support:

  • Co-op, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury's, Aldi, Asda, and Lidl all used Love Lamb Week stickers on their lamb products.
  • Sainsbury's displayed a Love Lamb Week advert in its magazine.
  • Morrisons had shelf signage promoting Love Lamb Week in its stores.
  • Tesco displayed an online Love Lamb Week banner.
  • Co-op and Morrisons created social media posts for Love Lamb Week.

All about Love Lamb Week

The Love Lamb Week campaign was established in 2015 and runs annually from 1-7 September, a time in which British lamb is in peak supply. Cumbrian sheep farmer Rachel Lumley formed Love Lamb Week to help boost the low domestic consumption and low prices the industry faces. Love Lamb Week aims to recognise the value of British Lamb through highlighting the sustainability and high welfare of British lamb products. And of course it’s important to remind consumers how delicious lamb can be.

For more information on this year's campaign visit