CFE has announced the return of the environmental seed mixes, kindly subsidised by Syngenta, and working in partnership with Kings and ASDA.
Syngenta, through their Operation Pollinator project, is providing a range of offers for growers to purchase bespoke environmental seed mixes to support wildlife on farm – at a 20% discount.
Spring and autumn sown mixes
The seed mixes include:
- A spring sown Bees’n’Seeds mix provides valuable late season pollen and nectar, before producing an essential food seed source for many farmland birds.
- An autumn sown, well balanced Annual Flower mix, producing season-long display of flowers that provides vital pollen and nectar for pollinating insects.
- The Green Headland seed mix, suited for planting on uncropped headlands to support wildlife, improve soil health and reduce potential run-off.
Margins and unused field corners
These mixes are perfect for margins and unused field corners to help support pollinators and farmland birds by providing a source of pollen later in the year.
They also act as a source of seeds over the winter months and as a canopy, and can compliment game cover crops on your land.
Visit the CFE website to find out how to order your seed mixes with the discount code, and more information on the seed mixes.