Milk Musings

Back British Farming Day, Guy Smith, Tim Farron_37328

Lets face it, you get more conversation from my milk cows than a London commuter so rather than engage in small-talk I used my time on the cramped underground train on Wednesday morning to contemplate the previous day at a supermarket in Leeds.

Along with other NFU members and the wonderful ‘ Ladies in Pigs’ I had spent the day talking to shoppers to drive consumer awareness and understanding of British, Red Tractor Assured food.

I was astonished at the sheer number of people at Aldi supermarket and was delighted by how many do attach traceability and high standards to their buying decisions. However, I was equally perturbed by how busy everyone’s lives have become and unlike us farmers, agriculture is not always at the forefront of shoppers minds.

So whilst being jostled around on the underground I realised it is reasonable for my fellow commuters and indeed my intended audience for the day, that in busy lives farming can be overshadowed by other issues.

I tried to remain mindful of this when I joined my fellow dairy board members Brian and Nigel, other commodity board members, national office holders and the crack NFU political team outside the Houses of Parliament to bring the Back British Farming message to the heart of government. The spectacle of three tractors, model livestock and a fruit, veg and flower stall drew a lot of attention from tourists, other lobbying groups, media and members of both Houses of Parliament.  Throughout the day there was not a moment without an MP being reminded of the importance of farming to the food and drink sector, the wider economy, employment, environment and of course all whilst producing the food we eat.

I felt that each of the MPs we spoke with went away with a refreshed view of farming, understanding of the importance of agriculture and hold British farming in the highest esteem when Brexit negotiations start.

As the carrot tops and tomatoes wilted towards the end of one of the hottest September days on record I reflected on the last couple of days with a passing member of a marine lobby group who confided in me that they have difficulties gaining an audience with one MP so have watched with amazement the NFU drawing large numbers of MPs out of their offices.

From Leeds to Westminster, Aldi to Parliament, talking with this lobbyist made it is clear to me that the NFU is well placed with excellent members and staff who must continue to take every opportunity to promote the Back British Farming message in order that we can create an environment where farming can thrive.