Beet price tracker

Sugar beet_11856

UK beet price tracker

£/adjusted tonne

Base price, £/t

Bonus, €/t (latest month)

ECB £/€ rate (monthly average)

Bonus, £/t
(latest month)

Bonus, £/t (cumulative to date)

2020 one-year contract

£20.99 (contracted at £19.60 / zero crown)





2018 three-year contract






2020 three-year contract£21.90 (contracted at £20.45 / zero crown)0-00

Bonuses apply when EU+UK price >€475/t (2018 contract), >€400/t (2020 3-year contract) or >€375/t (2020 1-year contract).

For more information look out in your monthly Beet Brief, and at the information linked below.